Saturday, September 1, 2007

San Francisco


So I arrived to San Francisco yesterday. It was sunny and warm and I immediately put on my shorts and took a walk down town. It's good to be back and I'm excited to start a fresh new semester full of drawing and awesomeness.

I had some exciting projects during the summer, but I will tell you about them later. Now I need to unpack and settle in my room.

Here's a sketch I did for my brother.



Anonymous said...

Hi Pétur,
gott að heyra hvað allt gekk vel og hvað þú ert ánægður að byrja í skólanum. Það verður gaman að fylgjast með blogginu. Er búin að senda þér email en er ekki viss hvort þú fékkst þau. Sendu mér nýju email adressuna þína
kær kveðja frá Fróni

Anonymous said...

Joyful tidings.
I have been feeling very inclinde for the past couple of days. so when i saw your bulletin, i thought to myself. what a perfect way to show my incliness.
So here it is. Remember to brush your teeth and wash your hands after pooing..

Anonymous said...

Hey Petur!
It's Har from 1080~!
Im glad to see your blog! Great start and keep up the good work!
You can visit my web blog at

Anonymous said...

Mistake on the link lOLLLLLLL 'zz
