Comic artist Hugleikur Dagsson held a drawing contest in celebration of his new comic "Kisi, the one-eyed cat, and the secret". I drew couple of pictures and sent him and won!
My drawings will be featured in his new comic and I will also get a T-Shirt! Yay!
Hey! Congratulations winning the contest! I would love to get that T-shirt <3
Hey Peter how are you? my name is Kristofer. I was wondering if you were interested in drawing some pics for the first "Young-adults" Bible in Icelandic. We are not talking about alot of pics, maybe 2 and if your interested you can also draw the cover!! so just answere me on myspace and if your answere is "OOHHH YEAAAAHH" then i'll send you the themes, (Love, with arms open..... and stuff)
so God bless you bro
One ugly cat ( I suppose he has to be ugly!) but nice drawing, never liked Hugleik. But anyways, enjoy your T-shirt.
peace, vildis
Hey congrats =D
hey vá til hamingju ýkt kúl!!
hvernig er bolurinn samt er eitthvað varið í hann?
ég veit ekki, er ekki búinn að fá hann :0
Geggjað! Til hamingju!
Good post.
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