Hey everyone,
I'm back in San Francisco after a nice holiday break in Iceland. While I was at home I completed a prototype version of the boardgame me and my friends are making, and got various freelance projects as well. Since most of these project are yet to be published I will only show you small previews of some of the stuff I've been working on.
But as the new semester starts I'll be posting some of my school work as well, so check in soon!
the game looks fun and awesome- i'll have to invite you over sometime to see the one i've created. but again, awesome job- if it wasn't in icelandic, i would love to play! :P
Sæll Pétur
ég var að velta fyrir mér hvort þú hafir einhvern áhuga og getu til að koma heim (Ísland) í Mars 2009 (9-13 mars einhvern tíman á því bili) til að halda fyrirlestur um verk þín í Borgarholtsskóla?
ég vissi ekki alveg hvernig ég ætti að hafa samband við þig öðruvísi, en þú mátt endilega hafa samband á emailið muminalfur@gmail.com
blessa bró. keep em coming :)
dude!! some awesome lookin wips there!
you and your awesomeness.. i hate you. ugh. XD
awesome work young lad, you are number one,
-president Obama
i also think you are number one, i think Obama is number two
-George W B.
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