Thursday, February 21, 2008

Meiri módelteikning

Sorry, ekkert original shit núna, bara meiri módel teikning. En hey, allavega vel heppnaðar? Þetta eru 10 - 20 mín skyssur. Reyniði bara sjálf að teikna þetta á 10 - 20 mín. HA! Hélt ekki. Ok, ok, ok. Ég skal pósta meira frumlegru efni í framtíðinni. Pælí að skipta yfir í íslensku bara, held það sé engir útlendingar að lesa þetta hvort sem er.

Annars gengur bara vel, er að fara á Wondercon með Ed félaga mínum um helgina sem er myndasögu ráðstefna hér í SF. Það verður örruglega stuð.

Annars erum við Ed líka að gera myndasögu saman uppá grínið, getur verið að þið fáið smá gægj á það, en húmorinn er kannski ekki fyrir alla, eða foreldra.

Hvað segiði annars gott, bara hress?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Still life Painting

Here's my second still life painting, done with oils. I'm not showing the first one because it's just cubes and cones in black and white, quite boring. My newest one is drying at school so I'll show that next week, it looks way better. Painting is awesome. I recommend it to anyone, it's very relaxing. This one took about 2 hours. Later,

P tur

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Some quick 5 and 10 minutes sketches from figure drawing and clothed figure drawing...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Anatomy Final

Warning! Nudity

Hey! I realized I forgot to show you my final for anatomy class from last semester, well here it is with progress photos.

This semester is starting of really well. I love all my classes and the teachers are great. I have a really good feeling about this semester. I'm taking clothed figure drawing, intermediate figure drawing, still life painting and 19th century art history.

I started a new sketchbook and I'll be scanning in some new stuff soon. I'll also take some pictures of the work I'm doing at school, so stay tuned!

I want to personally thank Eva and Sæmi for their enjoyable conversation in the comments.

Look back soon for fresh drawings!
